Individual and easy to use

Our widget is customizable and fully responsive to ensure it will
fit your page well. Just choose a theme and your ready to use
embed code will be generated below.
Drag here to see the reponsiveness in action!


Just copy and paste one of the codes below to wherever the widget should show up. We recommend to do the embedding via JS widget.

The embed codes within the tabs to the left are ready to use and do already consider any theming changes you made on this site just like it's shown in the preview above. However, you got also the possibility to customize your widget even more by passing additional parameters to the embed codes.
Example of supported JSON settings
"preselect": {
"location:" "Stuttgart Flughafen", // Free text input for preselecting the city/airport
"pickupDate:" "2020-11-22", // Preselected pickup date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"pickupTime:" "10:30", // Preselected pickup time (HH:mm, will be rounded to 30 min)
"dropoffDate:" "2020-11-30", // Preselected dropoff date (YYYY-MM-DD)
"dropoffTime:" "10:30", // Preselected dropoff time (HH:mm, will be rounded to 30 min)

"theme": {
"primaryColor:" "#cc0202", // Primary color code, e.g. used for the button
"secondaryColor:" "#0b387a" // Secondary color code, e.g. used for the calendar
"button": {
"borderRadius:" "4px" // Radius of the rounded button corners
... // There are more styling options available on request

"wording": {
"button:" "Mietwagen finden", // Wording for the search submit button
"inputPlaceholder:" "Anmietort eingeben" // Wrding for the input placeholder